Laird Scranton

Laird Scranton


Laird Scranton is the author of a series of books and other writings on ancient cosmology and language. These include articles published in the University of Chicago’s Anthropology News academic journal, Temple University’s Encyclopedia of African Religion and the Encyclopedia Britainnica. He is featured in John Anthony West’s Magical Egypt documentary series and in Carmen Boulter’s documentary The Pyramid Code. He is also a frequent presenter at conferences whose focus is on ancient knowledge. These include Walter Cruttenden’s Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge (CPAK), the A.R.E.’s Ancient Mysteries Conference, Scotty Roberts and John Ward’s Paradigm Symposium, the Fringe New Jersey Conference, and James Swager's Megalithic Odyssey Symposium, in Marlborough, England.



Past Shows:

  • Alternative Health/ Maori Cosmology

    Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by Laird Scranton on Maori cosmology and the work of Velikovsky.More »
  • Physics & ET Civilizations/ Ancient Cosmology

    Physicist Don Lincoln discussed the possibility of alien life. Followed by Laird Scranton on the Dogon tribe and ancient traditions.More »
  • Natural Medicine/ Scotland & Egypt Connections

    Dr. Joanne Conaway shared tips on natural supplements and health. Followed by Laird Scranton on the mysterious megalithic site of Skara Brae.More »
  • Primaries Predictions/ Creation Myths & Velikovsky

    First half guest, prophecy expert John Hogue discussed his predictions for the coming election season, including a warning about some sort of terrorist or military action before November which will completely change the character of the campaign. Laird Scranton,who has...More »
  • Velikovsky & the Dogon

    Debuting on the show, author/researcher Laird Scranton discussed the controversial assertions of Velikovsky, as well as the cosmology and scientific knowledge of the Dogon tribe in West Africa. First hour guest, numerologist Glynis McCants shared updates on how the year of...More »