David B. Sereda

David B. Sereda


David Sereda's first aspiration in life was to become an astronaut. In 1968, David and a friend witnessed a UFO along with hundreds of other witnesses. After this experience, David grew up as a UFO enthusiast never living in doubt of the phenomena that has swept the world since the Roswell incident in 1947. His interest in space, religion, philosophy, astronomy and science led him on his career in related fields. He has worked deeply in high technology, on environmental and humanitarian issues and as a professional photographer for over 20 years. He has studied world religion, science, physics and paranormal psychology for over 25 years.



Past Shows:

  • UFO Algorithm / Cryptids & Folklore

    Researcher David Sereda discussed his discovery of a UFO algorithm that he says connects over 90% of the most legendary UFO cases. Followed by author Jason Offutt with tales of cryptids and folklore.More »
  • Astrology Forecast / Washington Monument Mysteries

    Astrologer Susan Miller discussed all 12 astrological signs and what they can expect in 2023. Followed by researcher David Sereda on the hidden powers of the Washington Monument and its frequency.More »
  • JFK Assassination Revelations / UFOs & Space Communications

    JFK assassination expert James DiEugenio discussed the new film, "JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass." Followed by researcher David Sereda and amateur radio expert Jimmy Blanchette on receiving communications from outer space.More »
  • Cryptocurrency / UFO Footage & ETs

    Author Jerome Corsi Ph.D. discussed what cryptocurrency is and what it means for the future. Followed by David Sereda, who spoke about the upcoming UFO intelligence report and offered analysis of UFO footage and ET communications.More »
  • Individual Rights / ET War & UFO Anomalies

    Attorney Jonathan Emord discussed the state of individual rights in light of mandates and restrictions. Followed by David Sereda on UFO anomalies and a possible ET war.More »
  • All About Fungi / Military UFO Analysis

    Biologist Merlin Sheldrake talked about the important role fungi play in our ecosystems. Followed by David Sereda with his analysis of the Pentagon UFO footage.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time traveled back to December 5, 2001, when Dan Aykroyd and David Sereda discuss a NASA video showing hundreds of UFOs closely resembling The Dropa Stones - ancient flying disc sculptures found in Tibet by a team of archaeologists in 1938.More »
  • Mind to Matter

    Dawson Church talked about healing, and how mind creates matter. Followed by David Sereda on the mysteries of time-space.More »
  • Ancient Aliens & 'Old Gods'/ UFOs & the Staff of Moses

    Derek Gilbert & Josh Peck spoke about UFOs and the "old gods." Followed by David Seredaon what may have been an ET attack and cover-up.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    6-10pm PT: Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returned to 12/5/01 when when Dan Aykroyd and David Sereda discussed a NASA video showing hundreds of UFOs closely resembling the Dropa Stones -- ancient discs found in Tibet.More »
  • Space Signal/ Amazing Stories

    In the first half, researcher David Sereda joined the program to discuss the strange signal from space that has been in the news recently (Video: HD164595 Signal From Space). Open Lines followed in the second half.More »
  • Pyramids & Prophecy

    Host Jimmy Church (email) was a witness to the multiple UFO sightings at Contact in the Desert 2016 in Joshua Tree, California, along with hundreds of others. In the first hour, he spoke with Melinda Leslie, who hosted the night-vision event, and shared what everyone saw on the...More »
  • Science Advances / The Lost Scale

    In the first half, aerospace and defense systems developer Sir Charles Shults talked about advances in science, medicine, and space exploration. In the latter half, scientist, filmmaker, and spiritual explorer David Sereda discussed his discovery of a 'Lost Scale' of...More »
  • Bushman's Area 51 Secrets / NDE Research

    In the first half, scientist, filmmaker, and spiritual explorer David Sereda spoke about his friendship with the late Lockheed engineer Boyd Bushman, who made controversial claims about aliens and UFOs at Area 51 before his death. In the latter half, near-death experience...More »
  • GMO Controversies / Invisible UFOs & Frequencies

    In the first half, author and consumer activist Jeffrey Smith discussed the breaking news surrounding the debate around GMO (genetically engineered) crops and foods and their potential health hazards. In the latter half, scientist, filmmaker, and spiritual explorer David...More »
  • Vortex Energy

    Host Lisa Garr (email) welcomed filmmaker and mystic ecologist, David Sereda, who spoke about the hidden power of vortex energy waves and its use in the gravity propulsion systems of UFOs. First hour guest Anita Moorjani discussed her amazing recovery from cancer following a...More »
  • Climate & Earth Changes / Transhumanism

    In the first half, filmmaker and mystic ecologist David Sereda addressed such topics as the weakening of Earth's magnetic field, and the massive drought in the western United States. In the latter half, journalist and author Daniel Estulin discussed how spectacular...More »
  • Power Grid / Planetary Frequencies

    In the first half, WND's Washington senior reporter, Michael Maloof, talked about the vulnerability of America's power grid and infrastructures, and how they could be damaged by a solar flare as well as an EMP or cyber attack. In the latter half, filmmaker and mystic...More »
  • Light Speed Communications / Spontaneous Combustion

    In the first half, scientist, filmmaker, and mystic ecologist David Sereda talked about his development of a faster than light speed radio communications device that he used to talk to a distant star system. In the latter half, researcher Larry Arnold reported on cases of...More »
  • Geopolitics & Terrorism

    Guest host John B. Wells (email) was joined by geopolitical analyst Craig B. Hulet, who discussed the recent developments in the Middle East, the War on Terror, bin Laden's role in 9-11, and what he sees for the future of the United States. In the first hour, scientist and...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 12/5/01, when Dan Aykroyd and David Sereda discussed a NASA video showing hundreds of UFOs closely resembling the Dropa Stones -- ancient discs found in Tibet by a team of archaeologists in 1938.More »
  • Ripley's 'Believe It Or Not' Empire

    In the first half, Ripley Entertainment's Tim O'Brien and Edward Meyer spoke about Robert Ripley. During the third hour, scientist David Sereda discussed pole shifts and a recent FAA advisory regarding magnetic anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle. Open Lines followed in the final...More »
  • Electromagnetic Effects & Mystical Experiences

    Guest host John B. Wells (email) spoke with scientist, filmmaker and mystic ecologist David Sereda about his latest research on the Earth's pole shift and why the sunrise has been early, the bird die-off, quantum electro-dynamics, and 2012, as well as new children being born...More »
  • Oil Spill & Toxic Rains

    In the first half of the show, ecologist, scientist, and spiritual explorer David Sereda talked about the Gulf oil disaster, and possible toxic rains that could cause serious problems. Appearing for a half-hour segment at the start of third hour, Bill Wiese described his...More »
  • Solar Activity & the Universe

    Space scientist, filmmaker and mystic ecologist David Sereda discussed his latest research on differentials, energy, and the hidden codes in the Universe, as well as how sunspot activity is affecting the Earth. First hour guest, consultant Cheryl Cran talked about the...More »
  • Energy Shifts & 2012

    Filmmaker & scientistDavid Sereda talked about possible energy shifts coming around the time of 2012. By comparing the quantum universe to astronomical models, as well correlating Hopi prophecy, he's theorized there's going to be a massive energy shift, as our solar system...More »
  • Quantum Communication

    Scientist and filmmaker David Sereda discussed his latest research on how communication works at the quantum level, and how information about this remarkable human ability has been suppressed by the government. In the first hour, UFO expert Nick Pope commented on the aerial...More »
  • Harmonic Codes

    Scientist and filmmaker David Sereda discussed his latest research on differentials, Zero Point Energy, and the hidden harmonic codes of the universe. "What I've discovered the way the universe is really working is…there are actual precise harmonic codes which are multiple...More »
  • Christmas Eve Special

    In a special Christmas Eve edition of Coast to Coast AM, George Noory spoke with four different guests for one hour each. First up was author and NDE expert Dannion Brinkley, whose new book Secrets of the Light is just out. He offered some of his predictions, stemming from...More »
  • Amazing Water

    Filmmaker and mystic ecologist David Sereda discussed some of the amazing properties of water-- it may actually have memory and consciousness, he said. Human beings are mostly made up of water and he suggested that restructured water could have healing properties on their...More »
  • NV Quake Grid, 2012 & Strange People

    During the first hour, author and research physicist Stan Deyo talked about his discovery of an unmistakable grid pattern (pictured) formed by the recent Nevada earthquakes. Deyo said he does not think this was a naturally occurring event, and even suggested the quakes may have...More »
  • Secret Door V

    A set of surprise guests joined us for one segment each in this special 4-hour program. In order of appearance: Dr. Betty Martini spoke about Hawaii's attempt to ban Aspartame. The sweetener is addictive, leaches serotonin from the brain, and is associated with mental illness...More »
  • Expanding Consciousness

    David Sereda discussed his pathway to expanded consciousness, as well as his new film The Voice, which explores how spirituality, religion and science are merging together into a single place. In the film, Dr. Roger Nelson, of the Princeton Global Consciousness Project, talks...More »
  • UFO & Antigravity Disclosure

    UFO Researcher David Sereda discussed his recent work, videotaping the disclosure of 73-year old Boyd Bushman, a Lockheed Martin Senior Research Scientist of 20 years, who held Top Secret clearance.More »
  • Singularity, UFOs & Parallel Dimensions

    UFO researcher and author David Sereda returned for a discussion on recent UFO sightings as well as his work on singularity and his new film project.More »
  • UFOs & ETs

    Author and researcher David Sereda returned for a conversation about UFOs and ETs.More »
  • Singularity & UFOs

    Author and UFO enthusiast David Sereda returned for a discussion of his new book Singularity, which merges ideas from quantum physics with ancient teachings of religion and spirituality.More »
  • UFO Cases & Theories

    George Noory welcomed Dan Aykroyd (first hour only) and David Sereda (full show), who talked about their new documentary film, Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs.More »
  • Sustainable Energy

    Author and UFO enthusiast, David Sereda and renewable energy architect, Robert Plarr, talked about sustainable technologies. Sereda briefly discussed a conspiracy by oil companies to undermine global warming research by funding studies that show the planet's increased...More »
  • Rebroadcast: Evelyn Paglini-- 'Occult Practices'

    Live for the first hour, George Noory first received an update from researcher David Sereda about the space traveler, Greg Olsen, who supposedly "lost" his infrared camera on his trip. Sereda noted that this type of camera might have been able to view UFOs and that Olsen was...More »
  • Strange Visions

    George hosted an evening of Open Lines with a special hotline for callers with Charles Bonnet Syndrome. People with this condition report seeing apparitions resembling distorted faces, costumed figures, ghosts, and little people.More »
  • Physics & Spirituality

    Author and ufologist David Sereda returned to the show to illuminate the correlations between theoretical physics and spiritual wisdom. He pointed out how the duality of human nature-- such as good and evil, is mirrored in the atomic structure with its positive and negative...More »
  • The Hutchison Effect & UFOs

    Ufologist David Sereda and inventor John Hutchison discussed the often difficult to duplicate Hutchison Effect and its relationship to UFO propulsion systems.The Hutchison Effect uses RF fields and electrostatic energy to create an "interdimensional shift," Hutchison explained.More »
  • UFOs & Energy Technology

    Author and ufologist, David Sereda discussed recent UFO cases as well as the search for alternative energy sources. He detailed how his work to help promote such technologies as fusion with helium 3, was thwarted by various companies such as Southern California Edison, even...More »
  • Reincarnated Lives

    Dr. Walter Semkiw shared his contention that many prominent national figures alive today are the reincarnations of noteworthy American Revolutionary individuals, and are continuing their paths to work for social change and spiritual awakening.More »

Last Night

Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Cryptozoologist D.A. Roberts recounted his terrifying experience on a remote Missouri island where his team found evidence of a large creature. Followed by podcaster Joel Waldman who discussed Jack the Ripper and the suspicious death of Open AI whistleblower Suchir Balaji.


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