Kenneth Sewell

Kenneth Sewell


Kenneth Sewell spent eight years in the submarine service with classified duties in nuclear engineering technology. Five of those years were aboard the USS Parche, the most decorated ship in the history of the United States Navy and America's top espionage submarine. According to the best selling book, Blind Man's Bluff, the Parche reportedly tapped the undersea communications lines of the Soviet Union during the Cold War and retrieved lost Soviet weaponry from the ocean floor. Since leaving the Navy, Mr. Sewell has worked in the defense industry holding both Department of Defense and Department of Energy security clearances. In researching this book, Mr. Sewell had access to recently declassified intelligence files in the U.S. and Soviet military archives that were opened after 1991, among other sources.



Past Shows:

  • Energy Weapons & N. Korea Nuclear Test

    Associate Director at Los Alamos National Lab, Doug Beason offered analysis of the North Korea nuclear testand discussed directed energy weapons and how they may change the way we fight wars.More »

Last Night

Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs discussed natural health remedies and supplements. Followed by author and paranormal investigator Richard Estep with reports of ghosts, hauntings, and anomalies.


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