Danny Silva

Danny Silva


Danny Silva is a citizen journalist with a focus on UFOs and related phenomena. He has written about To the Stars Academy and AATIP among other aspects of ‘Disclosure.’ His work can be found at SilvaRecord.com.


Past Shows:

  • Tic Tac UFOs / UAP Hearings

    Documentary director Caroline Cory and technology researcher Dave Mason discussed the true nature of UFOs. Followed by researchers Joe Murgia, Danny Silva, and Ryan Robbins on the first open congressional hearings on UAP.More »
  • UFO Roundtable / Cryptoterrestrial Contact

    Citizen journalist Danny Silva, UFO researcher Joe Murgia, and Ryan Robbins of Post Disclosure World joined George Knapp for a UFO roundtable. Followed by Ryan Musgrave-Evans on his 'cryptoterrestrial' contacts.More »
  • Government UAP Report / Extraordinary Contact

    George Knapp welcomed Jeremy Corbell, Joe Murgia, and Danny Silva for a conversation on the long-awaited government UAP report. Followed by Debra Jordan-Kauble on her alien encounters.More »
  • Bigfoot Phenomena / UFO Controversies

    Paranormal researchers Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner discussed Bigfoot and related strange phenomena. Citizen journalists Danny Silva and UFO Joe (Joe Murgia) reported on UFO news, the Wilson/Davis memo, and a UFO crash retrieval document.More »
  • UFOs: Revelations & Citizen Journalists

    Peter Levenda shared UFO theories and alien revelations. Followed by "citizen journalists" UFO Joe (Joe Murgia) and Danny Silva.More »

Last Night

Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Author and speechwriter Ken Khachigian discussed his days working with former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.


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