Nancy Sinatra

Nancy Sinatra


In the mid 1960s, with songs like So Long Babe and How Does that Grab You, Darlin'? , Nancy Sinatra took the image of a girl crying over her diary for a boy who wouldn't behave and changed it to a woman who let her men know, in no uncertain terms, just how things were going to be. These Boots Are Made For Walkin' kicked open the doors for a whole new category of women in music. Nancy's tough girl attitude preceded women's liberation and created the first rebel chick singer. The era of the female rocker was born.Armed with a signature style, catchy songs and memorable album covers and photo spreads, Nancy has scored more than 24 chart hits in the US and internationally and become a role model for young, independent women as well as an icon of pop culture.


Past Shows:

  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 4/29/02 when Hal Lindsey discussed Bible prophecy and End Times. Legendary singer Nancy Sinatra appears in the first hour.More »
  • Bible Prophecy

    Hal Lindsey discusses Bible prophecy and End Times. In the first hour, Art chats with Nancy Sinatra.More »