Sondra Sneed

Sondra Sneed


Sondra Sneed is a science and technology writer, and a former atheist with a secret. During all the years she spent interviewing scientists and engineers, translating their high-minded knowledge for laypeople, she has also been interviewing the highest mind — the creator of the universe.



Past Shows:

  • Divine Interview / Are You a Starseed?

    Psychic medium Sondra Sneed revealed information she has received from a higher dimensional intelligence, known as Source. Followed by spiritual teacher Matthew John who delved into the origins and characteristics of Starseeds.More »

Last Night

Power Grid & EMP / The Creator Matrix
Power Grid & EMP / The Creator Matrix
Author Hugh Simpson and EMP expert Rich de Sabatino outlined possible scenarios that could take out the power grid, and how we can protect ourselves. Followed by health coach Cathleen Beerkens on developing your own 'creator matrix.'


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