Matthew Stein

Matthew Stein


Matthew Stein holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from MIT. He is an engineer, author and building contractor. He has also worked as a schoolteacher, carpenter, and rock climbing and ski instructor. As the owner of Aloha Aina Builders, Stein built hurricane resistant, energy efficient and environmentally friendly homes. As a mechanical engineer and president of Stein Design, he has designed consumer water filtration devices, commercial water filtration systems, photovoltaic roofing panels, medical bacteriological filters, drinking fountains, emergency chemical drench systems, computer disk drives, portable fiberglass buildings and automated assembly machinery for Open Energy, Hewlett Packard, Seagate, Plantronics, Duraflame, Haws, and IGT, among other companies.



Past Shows:

  • Dearly Departed Special VI

    Featuring Hans King, Andre Eggelletion, Mat Stein, Tracy Twyman, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and Stanton Friedman. In 1st hour Bill Foss on the Akashic Records.More »
  • Disaster Preparedness/ What's Making us Sick?

    Mat Stein shared tips on preparing for disaster scenarios. Followed by Sydney Ross Singer on lifestyle choices that can make us sick.More »
  • Survival Preparedness/ Extraterrestrial Anomalies

    Preparedness expert Matthew Stein outlined disaster scenarios. Followed by anomaly hunter Billy Carson on evidence for life on other planets.More »
  • Fukushima Contamination/ Future of Technology

    Preparedness expert Matthew Stein discussed the ongoing debacle of Fukushima. Followed by author Alexander Weinstein on speculative future technologies.More »
  • Fukushima & Preparedness/ Rock Star Deaths

    Author and mechanical engineer, Matthew Stein, an expert in preparedness, discussed the ongoing debacle of Fukushima - including background radiation rising, food chain contamination, and the targeting of whistleblowers. In the second half, on the evening of Prince's...More »
  • Consciousness & Psychic Abilities/ Disaster Preparedness

    In the first half, scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dean Radin, talked about the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), as well as his scientific experiments studying psychic abilities and other 'supernormal' characteristics. In the latter half, preparedness...More »
  • Ebola Preparedness / Warren Commission

    In the first half of the program, author and preparedness expert Mathew Stein discussed the latest information on the Ebola outbreak and how people can avoid catching the illness should an epidemic occur. In the latter half of the show, investigative reporter Russ Baker...More »
  • Worst Case Scenarios / Planet X

    In the first half, author and preparedness expert Mat Stein talked about various worst case scenarios such as a solar flare knocking out the grid, and what people can do to cope with such an event. In the latter half, author and publisher Marshall Masters provided an update...More »
  • Censored / Preparednesss

    In the first half, Peter Phillips, sociology professor and recent past director of Project Censored, joined John B. Wells to discuss wealth inequality, the power elite, threats to the democratic process and independent journalism. Author Mat Stein followed in the second...More »
  • Psychic Intuitions Special

    This special program featured three psychics, each appearing in separate hours. Intuitive Coach Jerry Hoskey discussed his predictions for earthquakes and solar flares, as well as how our physical fitness is related to our energetic and psychic fitness. Psychic astrologer Denise...More »
  • Mind Power & Change

    Combining the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, biology, and genetics, Dr. Joe Dispenza discussed how to create change and a new reality for oneself. First hour guest, engineer and author Mat Stein talked about the possibility of solar flares or storms knocking out...More »
  • Financial Fraud / Disaster Preparation

    In the first half, Associate Professor of Economics and Law, William Black, joined George Knapp for a discussion on how our economic crisis has been brought about by deliberate fraud on the part of banks involved in real estate loans. In the latter half, engineer, author...More »
  • Owning the Moon / Social Collapse

    During the first half of the program, George Knapp was joined by entrepreneur Bob Bigelow, who shared his concerns that China is poised to own the Moon. In the second half, engineer, author and building contractor Mat Stein will discuss preparing for social collapse,...More »
  • New Energy Sources

    Aerospace and defense systems developer Sir Charles Shults discussed his investigations into new energy sources, as well space exploration and the search for ET life. Last hour guest, author and engineer Mat Stein talked about the need for disaster preparedness.More »
  • Preparing for Disaster

    Author Mat Stein discussed what individuals can do to prepare for disaster scenarios and unexpected disruptions, such as what might occur during a terrorist attack...More »
  • Bigelow Aerospace

    During the first half of the program, entrepreneur Bob Bigelow discussed Bigelow Aerospace, the decline of NASA, and the formation of a new company aimed at finding exotic technologies. Detailing the goals of Bigelow Aerospace, he explained that they hope to lease their...More »

Last Night

Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Cryptozoologist D.A. Roberts recounted his terrifying experience on a remote Missouri island where his team found evidence of a large creature. Followed by podcaster Joel Waldman who discussed Jack the Ripper and the suspicious death of Open AI whistleblower Suchir Balaji.


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