Ingo Swann

Ingo Swann


Ingo Swann, the father of remote viewing, is internationally known as anadvocate and researcher of the exceptional powers of the human mind, and asa leading figure in governmental and scientific projects to investigate andidentify the scope of subtle human perceptions. Paul Smith, former militaryremote viewer and Vice-President of the International Remote ViewingAssociation, was a student of Ingo Swann.


Past Shows:

  • Remote Viewing: Ingo Swann & Paul H. Smith

    Ingo Swann, the father of remote viewing, is internationally known as an advocate and researcher of the exceptional powers of the human mind, and as a leading figure in governmental and scientific projects to investigate and identify the scope of subtle human perceptions. Paul...More »

Last Night

New Year's Resolutions / Increasing Well-Being
New Year's Resolutions / Increasing Well-Being
Psychotherapist and addictions counselor Dr. Donna Marks discussed new starts in a new year and ways to stick to goals and New Year's resolutions. Followed by social worker and hypnotherapist Jacob Cooper with methods to increase well-being and motivation.


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