Douglas Taylor

Douglas Taylor


Douglas Taylor is a multi-talented: artist, author, lecturer, teacher and woodworker. During much of his youth, he was a surfer traveling around the world searching for that illusive perfect wave. He never quite found that perfect wave but his travels stimulated his adventurous spirit. He developed a profound appreciation of nature and its healing and rejuvenating effects in his life.

In 1978, on one of his surfing trips to the Caribbean Island of Puerto Rico, he experienced an incredible psychic encounter inside a UFO and telepathically communicated with its extraterrestrial occupants!

On his return from this trip, He began having many strange and wonderful psychic experiences that profoundly changed his life. It seemed that a door was now opened to the next step in his Spiritual progression. Douglas then began his first attempts at both writing and painting without having any previous creative or artistic background. However, his creative channel opened up and out flowed a profusion of paintings and writings. He sold fourteen paintings at his very first art showing! Aided by a series of hundreds of beautiful communications in visions and dreams with extraterrestrial and celestial beings over the years, he continues to show his inspiration in his writing, painting, and teaching.



Past Shows:

  • Quirky Open Lines

    During Friday night's Open Lines, George offered an 'idiosyncrasies' hotline for callers who wanted to share their own personal quirks. Jesse from St. Louis explained that whenever he's eating something crunchy he blinks his eyes each time he chews. John in Los Angeles, who...More »
  • Soul Experiences

    Douglas Taylor, a visionary artist and teacher, touched on such topics as past-lives, angelic encounters, lucid dreaming, and the true purpose of UFO encounters, in his appearance with Barbara on Saturday night. In the first segment of the show Dr. Sky offered tips on...More »

Last Night

JFK & Alien Revelations / Awakening Psychic Abilities
JFK & Alien Revelations / Awakening Psychic Abilities
TV personality Mike Bara discussed theories linking JFK's administration with UFOs and extraterrestrial technology. Followed by Dr. Linda Salvin, who shared her remarkable paranormal journey and offered readings for callers.


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