Michael Tennesen

Michael Tennesen


Michael Tennesen is a science writer who has written more than 300 stories in such journals as Discover, Scientific American, New Scientist, National Wildlife, Audubon, Science, Smithsonian, and others. He recently published his book The Next Species: The Future of Evolution in the Aftermath of Man for Simon and Schuster Publications. Tennesen is a Writer-in-Residence at the Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York, and a Media Fellow at the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University.

Michael Tennesen specializes in what one of his editors referred to as “adventure science.” He’s toured the Andean cloud forests of Peru for Smithsonian and also the Chilean fog forests for Discover to learn how global warming threatens these precious trees. He traveled to Tikal, Guatemala, for Key Porter Books to study the forest and its birds of prey. He flew with pilots dropping water and chemicals on southern California fires for Smithsonian Air & Space. He visited with biologists off Maui and swam with the humpback whales for National Wildlife.



Past Shows:

  • Extinction Events

    In the middle two hours, science journalist Michael Tennesen, who has written more than 300 stories in such journals as Discover, Scientific American, Audubon, and Smithsonian, discussed the history of mass extinction on Earth and why a growing number of scientists agree we are...More »