Richard Thieme

Richard Thieme


Richard Thieme is an author and professional speaker focused on the deeper implications of technology, religion, and science for twenty-first century life. He speaks professionally about the challenges posed by new technologies and the future, how to redesign ourselves to meet these challenges, and creativity in response to radical change.

Thieme’s early and creative use of the Internet to reach global markets earned accolades around the world. He is a member of the "cyber avant-garde," according to CNN, "a prominent American techno-philosopher," according to LAN Magazine (Australia) and "a father figure for online culture," according to the (London) Sunday Telegraph.



Past Shows:

  • UFOs & Relationships

    In the first half of the program, host Rob Simone (email) welcomed author and researcher Richard Thieme, who spoke about his rigorous study of UFOs and how government intelligence agencies have managed perception of the phenomenon. In the second part of the show, Tantra...More »