Robert Steven Thomas

Robert Steven Thomas


Robert Steven Thomas has forty years of study behind him as an amateur, multi-disciplinary historian. Through personal investigation and collaboration for answers to the most basic questions in life, his efforts have resulted in compelling new thinking. He has built a rational, scientifically-supported case, which firmly establishes Earth was visited by advanced aliens in remote history who co-inhabited our planet with primitive hominids.



Past Shows:

  • Our Alien Ancestry

    Researcher Robert Steven Thomas presented his contention that an advanced alien species traveled to Earth in our prehistoric past, and co-inhabited the planet with primitive hominids. Studying the research of people such as Zecharia Sitchin and Erich Von Daniken, Thomas...More »

Last Night

UFO Revelations / Past Lives & Metaphysics
UFO Revelations / Past Lives & Metaphysics
Author and filmmaker L.A. Marzulli updated his work on the interplay between supernatural phenomena, UFOs, and biblical prophecy. Followed by psychic Loren Cielo on his journey into the world of past lives and metaphysical understanding.


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