Thomas Winterton

Thomas Winterton


Thomas Winterton is the Superintendent of Skinwalker Ranch, overseeing the maintenance of the property, its facilities and equipment, as well as overseeing ranching activities and assisting in investigations. A native of the Uintah Basin, Thomas is the founder and operator of multiple businesses. His unique background and experience give him an in-depth insight into the UFO phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch and the surrounding area—especially his own incredible experiences that have taken place there.


Past Shows:

  • Skinwalker Ranch Update / Mistaken Identity Case

    Owner of Skinwalker Ranch Brandon Fugal and his team of scientists and researchers discussed recent happenings at the property. Followed by Paul Fronczak on being mistaken as an infant for a kidnapping victim.More »
  • Skinwalker Ranch Mysteries / Great Pyramid Enigma

    Skinwalker Ranch owner Brandon Fugal and manager Thomas Winterton discussed the mysterious occurrences there. Followed by researcher Scott Creighton on the massive, previously unknown space within the Great Pyramid of Giza.More »

Last Night

Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food safety expert Jeff Nelken shed light on the growing concerns surrounding food recalls and safety protocols. Followed by novelist and researcher Stafford Betty on evidence for the afterlife.


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