Tracie Austin

Tracie Austin


Having completed various studies at Cauldon College of Further Ed. in 1984, Tracie Austin re-located to London a year later to study at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama as a concert pianist, and to teach her instrument in a number of schools. Her interest in UFOs first began there, when she witnessed a UFO, an event that would later change her life! In 1989, Tracie moved back to her hometown of Staffordshire to teach piano/keyboard to numerous students, and became Project Manager of a popular music tuition agency.

Her second daylight sighting of an unknown flying object occurred in May of 1996. A profound sighting of a black, boomerang object that changed shape was observed by other witnesses, and made a second appearance later that day over her house! It was in June of 1996, that she hosted her first UFO conference, which became a major success. Radio appearances followed, as well as articles in local newspapers and invitations to speak on the subject at various organizations. A second conference followed in 1998. Research into the UFO phenomenon has been an ongoing process since her first sighting in 1987, and she has investigated some highly strange UFO activity. Personal sightings of UFOs continue to date.



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