Giorgio Tsoukalos

Giorgio Tsoukalos


Giorgio A. Tsoukalos has often been described as the real-life Indiana Jones. As a trailblazer he is changing the way the world thinks about the Ancient Astronaut Theory. He runs and is the Director of Research of the Center for Ancient Astronaut Research (A.A.S. R.A. - Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI Research Association) and the Publisher of Legendary Times, the world's only and definitive Ancient Astronaut Journal.Giorgio has appeared on the Travel Channel, the National Geographic Channel, the Sci-Fi Channel, and many other international television and radio programs talking about the latest discoveries in the Ancient Astronaut field.



Past Shows:

  • Robotic Advancements & Mars/ Ancient Aliens

    Charles Shults discussed advances in robotics. Followed by Giorgio Tsoukalos and Kevin Burns on the ancient astronaut theory, and their TV series Ancient Aliens.More »
  • UFOs, Climate Change, & Crop Circles

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed a September 2012 sighting at Black Diamond, Washington of a triangular craft with glowing spheres, climate change brought on by the collapse of Arctic summer sea ice, and a complex crop formation with 43 circles near ancient...More »
  • Researching Reincarnation

    Making his debut on the show, journalist and publisher, Roy Stemman, who has spent his life researching the paranormal, talked about his most recent work investigating reincarnation, comparing the best-documented case studies from around the world. In the first hour,...More »
  • Online Privacy / Cancer Treatments

    Katherine Albrecht, consumer privacy expert, and VP of, shared her contention that Google is using our personal information to create a centralized database that intrudes on users' privacy. She also discussed the strategy and treatments she employed in her battle...More »
  • Ancient Aliens

    Producer of Ancient Aliens, and publisher of Legendary Times magazine, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, joined George Knapp to ponder the idea that extraterrestrials have been visiting us since the dawn of man and how they continue to visit us. The new season of Ancient Aliens just kicked...More »
  • Ancient Aliens

    Researcher and publisher Giorgio Tsoukalos discussed the ancient astronaut theory and presented evidence which he believes may prove extraterrestrials visited our planet in the distant past.More »
  • Conspiracies, Shadow Govt., & UFOs

    Investigative journalist Jim Marrs discussed a variety of topics and conspiracies, including sequestered UFO technology used by the Nazis during WWII. Last hour guest, publisher Giorgio Tsoukalos talked about his new History Channel TV show, Ancient Aliens.More »
  • Ancient Alien Visitations

    Researcher Giorgio Tsoukalos discussed his research in the ancient astronaut field. First hour guest, radio host Alex Jones offered commentary on the 2010 Census, which he views as a privacy invasion.More »
  • Ancient Astronaut Theory

    The publisher of Legendary Times, Giorgio Tsoukalos spoke about evidence for the Ancient Astronaut theory.Working with such notables as Erich Von Daniken, he has conducted scientific investigations at a variety of ancient sites. There are a number of ancient descriptions of...More »

Last Night

Southern California UFO Cases / Open Lines
Southern California UFO Cases / Open Lines
Earl Grey Anderson, State Director of Southern California Mutual UFO Network, shared his experiences and his mother's influence on his career. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.


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