John Van Auken

John Van Auken


John Van Auken is a Director at the Edgar Cayce Center, the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). He is editor of the monthly newsletters Personal Spirituality, Ancient Mysteries, and Living in the Light. He is the author of more than a dozen books and is considered an expert in prophecy, mysticism, and is a skillful teacher of meditation – from kundalini to his unique "passage in consciousness."



Past Shows:

  • Cayce's Prophecies & Insights

    Director at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E., John Van Auken discussed the "Sleeping Prophet's" visions for the future, as well as his insights into such topics as the Mayans, Egypt, Atlantis, dreaming, and health remedies. Last hour guest, author and speaker Susan Smith Jones talked...More »
  • Albert Chen & Tim Smith / John Van Auken

    Sports Illustrated researchers on the cover photo jinx.In today's world, people are turning more and more to the words of ancientand renowned prophets such as, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, and the HolyMother, as she has appeared in visions over the years. John Van Auken is anauthor...More »