Lester Velez

Lester Velez


Les Valez is a Graduate of the University of Vermont. He served as officer in US Army, Field Artillery branch. Currently he is Vice President of Luscombe Engineering, a Silicon-Valley manufacturer's representative company. Les also serves as the Assistant State Director for MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network , in Northern California, Co-Chairman of the Abduction / Experiencer Research Committee (MUFON) Co-Founder and Vice President of OPUS, (Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support).


Past Shows:

  • Abductions & Hybrids

    Appearing during the first two hours, abduction researcher David Jacobs discussed alien hybrids. "The evidence, to me, is not just compelling, it's relatively overwhelming," he said about the latest developments in his research into the hybrid phenomenon. Looking at the...More »