Jennifer Verdolin

Jennifer Verdolin


Jennifer Verdolin, an expert in animal behavior, is a Scholar-in-Residence at Duke University and Research Scientist affiliated with the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center in Durham, NC, where she studies lemur personality and social behavior. Her new book, Wild Connection, blends humor and science to show the similarities between humans and animals when it comes to dating and relationships. She has contributed to Scientific American online, has her own Psychology Today blog called Wild Connections, and is featured weekly in the segment titled, “Think like a human, act like an animal” on the nationally syndicated DL Hughley Radio Show.



Past Shows:

  • Human & Animal Rituals / Open Lines

    In the first half, author and expert in animal behavior Jennifer Verdolin discussed her work comparing the courtship rituals of animals to their human equivalents, revealing the many and often surprising ways we are both similar to and different from other species. Open Lines...More »