Oliver von Kemenczky

Oliver von Kemenczky


Oliver von Kemenczky is the founder of New York Strange Phenomena Investigators (NY-SPI). NY-SPI is a scientific research group dedicated to the systematic investigation of UFO sightings, UFO abduction reports, and related extraordinary occurrences. Over the past 10 years, Oliver has been a key player with New York City's Intruders Foundation (IF), working closely with veteran UFO abduction investigator Budd Hopkins. Oliver is extremely committed in his UFO research and driven to help the many people the phenomenon affects. He is continually amazed how UFOs and abductions do not discriminate; that they affect people all around the world of all cultures, races, religions, professions, and levels of socioeconomic standing. His work with NY-SPI reaches across the entire gamut.

Past Shows:

  • Weather Modification

    Author and lecturer Jerry E. Smith discussed his investigation into weather modification, touching on such topics as HAARP, contrails, chemtrails, and global warming.More »

Last Night

Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
In the first half, Jane Durst-Pulkys, PhD, Metabolic Balance Kitchen author and ambassador, joins guest host Connie Willis (info) to discuss what she believes is the cause of all disease and how to combat it. In the second half, paranormal investigator and author Anthony F....


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