Dr. Joel Wallach

Dr. Joel Wallach


Dr. Joel Wallach has been involved in biomedical research and clinical medicine for 30 years. He received his B.S. Degree from the University of Missouri. His research has resulted in the publication of more than 70 peer reviewed and refereed journal articles in the fields of nutrition and pharmaceutical research, and he has made major contributions to eight multi-authored text and reference books on these subjects.



Past Shows:

  • Natural Remedies / UFO Disclosure

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the benefits of natural remedies and supplements that aid in the body’s recovery from chronic conditions. Followed by activist and ufologist Steve Bassett on the state of UFO disclosure.More »
  • Natural Remedies / Strange Christmas Tales

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the benefits of natural remedies that aid in the body's recovery from chronic conditions. Followed by paranormal investigator Joshua P. Warren with strange yuletide tales.More »
  • Natural Remedies / Manifestation Secrets

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the ability to achieve natural healing through remedies and supplements. Followed by spiritual teacher George Lizos on universal laws and manifestation.More »
  • Natural Remedies / Cosmology & Science

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body and its ability to achieve healing with natural remedies. Followed by astronomy writer Bob Berman on cosmology and science topics.More »
  • Natural Healing / Cryptid Investigations

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed natural healing through supplements and remedies. Followed by paranormal investigator and musician Eric Mintel on cryptids and hauntings.More »
  • Natural Remedies / Strange Utah Tales

    Dr. Joel Wallach addresses the human body and its ability to achieve natural healing via the benefits of natural remedies and supplements. Followed by researcher John Olsen with tales of the strange and unusual from Utah.More »
  • Natural Remedies / Aliens & Mars

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body's ability to achieve healing through natural remedies. Followed by chemist Steve Colbern on evidence of Martian life, and his experiences with alien abductions and implants.More »
  • Natural Remedies / Dracos & Archons

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the ability to achieve natural healing through remedies and supplements. Followed by spirit channeler Antonio Arilo on what he has learned about the Dracos and the Archons.More »
  • Natural Remedies / Future of AI

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the human body's ability to achieve healing through supplements. Followed by philosopher Jonathan Zap on the present and future of AI, and how it could transform humanity.More »
  • Natural Remedies / Mystical Journey

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the human body's ability to achieve healing via natural remedies. Followed by spiritual seeker Phill Webster on his mystical and mediumistic explorations.More »
  • Natural Remedies / Planet X & Giants

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body's ability to achieve natural healing with the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by researcher Doug Elwell on ancient accounts of Planet X and giants.More »
  • Alternative Health / Dreams & Problem Solving

    Dr. Joel Wallach spoke about the benefits of natural remedies and supplements. Followed by Layne Dalfen, founder of the Dream Interpretation Center, on how to use dreams for problems solving.More »
  • Natural Remedies / Alien Contacts

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body and its ability to achieve natural healing through various supplements. Followed by contactee Bonnie Meyer on what she has learned about ETs.More »
  • Alternative Health / Contact with the Departed

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed natural healing and remedies. Followed by psychic medium Laura Lee on her communications with angels and the departed.More »
  • Alternative Health / Triangular UFO Encounter

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared the benefits of natural remedies that aid in the body’s recovery from chronic conditions. Followed by graphic designer Colin Saunders on his 1999 encounter with a triangular UFO.More »
  • Alternative Health / Exploring Bioelectricity

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the human body's ability to achieve natural healing, along with the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by science journalist Sally Adee on the history and applications of bioelectricity.More »
  • Alternative Health / The Psychic Cop

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the human body's ability to achieve natural healing, along with the benefits of supplements. Followed by former Salem, Mass. police officer Chuck Bergman on his psychic gifts.More »
  • Alternative Health / Healing & Consciousness

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the human body's ability to achieve natural healing, along with the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by metaphysical teacher RJ Spina on accessing higher states of consciousness.More »
  • Alternative Health / Angel Magic

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the human body's ability to achieve natural healing, along with the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by angel channel and teacher Corin Grillo on how to use angel magic for prosperity.More »
  • Alternative Health / Exorcisms & Demons

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by Minister Bill Bean on demonic encounters and exorcisms.More »
  • Alternative Health / Copper Scroll Mysteries

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the benefits of remedies and supplements that aid in the body's recovery from chronic conditions. Followed by biblical antiquities researcher Jim Barfield on the mysterious Copper Scroll and the treasures it describes.More »
  • Alternative Health / Law Enforcement & the Paranormal

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the body's ability to heal naturally, and the remedies and supplements that aid in recovery. Followed by paranormal researcher Gare Allen on how law enforcement personnel have experienced the paranormal.More »
  • Alternative Health / Dreams & Nightmares

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the human body's ability to achieve natural healing along with the benefits of supplements. Followed by counselor Delphi Ellis on making the most of dreams and nightmares.More »
  • Alternative Health / Physics & the Paranormal

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches, remedies, and supplements that assist in disease recovery. Followed by Dr. Doug Matzke on how paranormal phenomena and subtle energies can be explained by physics.More »
  • Alternative Health / Purgatory & Angels

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches and the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by Kristen Van Uden, spokesperson for Sophia Institute Press, on the existence of Purgatory and angels.More »
  • Alternative Health / A Paranormal Life

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches and the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by Brian J. Cano from Travel Channel's "Paranormal Caught On Camera," on his experiences working in the paranormal field.More »
  • Alternative Health / The Moon, Alien Bases, & ETs

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches and the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by pioneer in the development of exopolitics Michael Salla on the secret space program, alien bases, and the moon.More »
  • Alternative Health / Food Self-Reliance

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed alternative health approaches and the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by expert in backyard food production, Marjory Wildcraft on supply issues and food self-sufficiency.More »
  • Alternative Health / Developing the Higher Mind

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches and the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by author Michael Goddart on developing one's higher mind.More »
  • Alternative Health / Precognitive Dreams & Anxiety

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches and the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by psychotherapist Dr. Laurie Nadel on the connection between precognitive dreams and societal anxiety.More »
  • Alternative Health / ET Experiencers

    Dr. Joel Wallach offered alternative health approaches that aid the body's recovery from diseases and ailments. Followed by master hypnotherapist Lesley Mitchell-Clarke on the recovered memories and patterns common with experiencers.More »
  • Alternative Health / Consciousness & Remote Viewing

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed alternative health approaches and the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by futurist and author Stephan Schwartz on consciousness, UFOs, and remote viewing.More »
  • Alternative Health / Astrology & Lunation Phases

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed alternative health approaches and the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by astrologer Steven Mark Weiss on the connection between a person's sun sign and the phase of the moon.More »
  • Alternative Health / Ancient Aliens Theory

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the benefits of remedies and supplements that aid in recovery from diseases and ailments. Followed by author Kathleen McGowan on her late husband, Ancient Aliens theorist Philip Coppens.More »
  • Alternative Health / Speaking with Spirits

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed alternative health approaches and the benefits of supplements. Followed by clairvoyant medium Kim Dennis on her Other Side communications.More »
  • Alternative Health / Asteroid Threat & Lockdown

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed alternative health approaches and the benefits of supplements. Followed by activist Shepard Ambellas on the linkage between COVID lockdowns and natural disasters.More »
  • Alternative Health / Psychology of Murder

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches and suggestions for remedies and supplements. Followed by forensic psychologist Ellery Kane on the psychology of killers and prisoners.More »
  • Alternative Health / Psychokinesis & Manifestation

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches. Followed by psychologist Joseph Gallenberger with tips on using psychokinesis and manifestation.More »
  • Alternative Health / Be A Modern Samurai

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches. Followed by Antony Cummins with Samurai tips for success.More »
  • Alternative Health / Investigating Ufology

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches. Followed by journalist Sarah Scoles on her investigation of UFO reports and ufology culture.More »
  • Alternative Health / Palmistry & Predictions

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches. In the latter half, Vernon Mahabal, founder and director of the Palmistry Institute in Los Angeles, discussed the practice of palm reading.More »
  • Coronavirus Health Tips / Name Energy

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health tips for fending off coronavirus. Followed by Sharón Lynn Wyeth with analysis of names and their meanings.More »
  • Alternative Health / UFO 'Battle of Los Angeles'

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches. Followed by Mike Bara on the Battle of Los Angeles incident from 1942.More »
  • Alternative Health / UFOs & Multiple Dimensions

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches. Followed by Richard Lawrence on UFOs and ET contactee George King.More »
  • Alternative Health / Witchcraft & Deities

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches. Phoenix LeFae spoke on using witchcraft and nature magic to improve life.More »
  • Natural Healing/ Animal Communication

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health tips. Followed by Nikki Cuthbertson on her animal communications.More »
  • Alternative Health / Spiritual Awakening

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches. Followed by author and mystic Thomas Razzeto on spiritual awakening.More »
  • Natural Healing/ Past Lives & Reincarnation

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches. Followed by Barry Eaton on his research into past lives.More »
  • Alternative Health / Alien Abduction

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches. Followed by Yvonne Smith on her work as a hypnotherapist specializing in alien abduction.More »
  • Alternative Health / Dying Words

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches. Followed by Lisa Smartt on end-of-life language.More »
  • Alternative Health / Animal Communication

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches. Followed by Amelia Kinkade on communicating with animals.More »
  • Alternative Health / Evolution Myths

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared updates on alternative health approaches. Followed by Jeffrey K. Lyons who questioned Darwinian theory.More »
  • Alternative Health / Working with Karma

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches. Followed by Geoffrey Jowett on understanding karma and other spiritual laws.More »
  • Alternative Health / Ancient Enigmas

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches. Followed by Mark Carlotto on ancient enigmas.More »
  • Health News/ Healing Power Of Eight

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed natural healing without using modern medicine. Lynne McTaggart described the miraculous power of group intention.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Exploring Inner Earth

    Dr. Joel Wallach addresses alternative health approaches. Followed by Brooks Agnew with updates on Inner-Earth expeditions.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Sociology of the Supernatural

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches.Marc Eaton discussed his research on the people who study the paranormal.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Hostile Alien Encounters

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches. Followed by Timothy Green Beckley on less-than-friendly alien encounters.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Thelemic Magic

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches. Followed by Colin Campbell on the occult practice of Thelema and life of Aleister Crowley.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Ancient Civilizations & the Anunnaki

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health & diet approaches. Followed by Matthew LaCroix on hidden histories of ancient civilizations.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Dead Sea Scrolls

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health tips. Followed by Prof. Ken Hanson with updates on the Dead Sea scrolls.More »
  • Alternative Health / Angelic Realm

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches for humans and pets. Leanne Thomas discussed the angelic realm.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Mysteries of Crop Circles

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches. Followed by Patty Greer on the latest in her crop formation research.More »
  • Natural Health/ NDEs & Spirit Communications

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health, and the use of supplements. Followed by psychic Linda Salvin on near-death experiences and spirit contacts.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Shape-Shifting Monsters

    Dr. Joel Wallach explained self-healing with supplements. Nick Redfern discussed the strange phenomenon of the "shape shifter."More »
  • Alternative Health/ UFOs & Conspiracies

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health approaches. In the last hour, author Mike Bara talked about conspiracies, space, and UFOs.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Mind Powers

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches. Followed by lecturer Nick Begich on the powers of the mind, and mind control.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Chakras & Subtle Energies

    Dr. Joel Wallach shared alternative health remedies. Followed by intuitive Cyndi Dale on chakras and energy healing.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Fairies & Changelings

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches. Followed by researcher Varla Ventura on her exploration of folklore and fairy tales.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Open Lines

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the benefits of natural remedies and supplements. Followed by Midweek Open Lines.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Uri Geller's Secret Life

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed alternative health approaches. Uri Geller shared his life as the world's most well-known psychic.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Astrology for 2017

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the benefits of remedies and supplements. Followed by astrologer Mark Lerner sharing what he sees for 2017.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Paranormal News

    Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the benefits of remedies and supplements, and L. A. Marzulli told of the latest developments in the paranormal.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Mysterious Cryptids

    In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach shared the benefits of remedies and supplements that aid in the body's recovery from many diseases and ailments. In the latter half, cryptozoologist Ken Gerhard, who has traveled around the world searching for evidence of mysterious animals,...More »
  • Natural Remedies/ Media Manipulations

    In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the body and its ability to use natural healing through the use of nutritional supplements, and the benefits of natural remedies that aid in the body's recovery of many diseases that affect us today. Since the early nineties,...More »
  • Alternative Health/ Demonology

    In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body, and its ability to benefit from natural supplements as opposed to the risky drugs prescribed by modern medicine. In the latter half, demonologist Adam Blai talked about exorcisms, demons, and spirit...More »
  • Natural Healing/ Science of War

    In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body and its ability to use natural healing without the risky drugs prescribed by modern medicine. In the latter half, author Mary Roach addressed her latest work exploring the science of keeping human beings intact,...More »
  • Natural Healing/ Spiritual Answers

    In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach returned to discuss the human body's innate ability to heal itself through natural means and supplementation, without the use of dangerous and expensive pharmaceuticals. Dr. Mark Pitstick, MA, DC, who has over forty years' experience and...More »
  • Natural Healing/ The Solar Superstorm

    In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body's innate ability to heal itself through natural means, without the use of dangerous and expensive pharmaceuticals. In the latter half, remote viewing teacher Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (Ret.) presented...More »
  • Alternative Health/ Chinese Astrology & Current Events

    In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body and its ability to use natural healing without the risky drugs prescribed by modern medicine. In the latter half, former futurist for a Pentagon-consulted think tank, where he developed scenarios for exotic kinds...More »
  • Alternative Medicine/ Healing Pain

    In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach joined George Noory to discuss how to benefit from natural healing and diet without using modern medicine. In the latter half,Peter Bedard, who has an MA in consciousness studies and extensive training in hypnotherapy and alternative...More »
  • Alternative Health/ Esoteric Traditions

    In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed how to benefit from natural healing and diet without using modern medicine. Diseases and ailments are often related to deficiencies in various nutrients and minerals, he contends. In the latter half, Gary Lachman, a leading...More »
  • Alternative Medicine/ Faeries & Unexplained Creatures

    In the first half of the program, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the body and its ability to benefit from natural healing without using modern medicine. In the latter half, researcher and folklorist Ronald L. Murphy Jr. revealed how the world of the the fey, or faerie realm,...More »
  • Natural Healing/ Crossing Over

    In the first half of the program, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed various ailments of the body and the ability to use natural healing without relying on modern medicine. In the latter half, spiritual medium and author, Roland Comtois, discussed how his thirty years of...More »
  • Alternative Health/ Morgellons

    In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body's innate ability to heal itself through natural means and various minerals and supplements. In the latter half, TV producer/videographer and author Tim Swartz talked about his latest work examining the mysterious...More »
  • Alternative Health/ Akashic Records

    In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body's innate ability to heal itself through natural means and various minerals and supplements. In the latter half, founder of the Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom, healer and transformational teacher Lisa Barnett...More »
  • Alternative Health & Medicine

    In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach talked about the human body's innate ability to heal itself through natural means and supplementation. In the latter half, oncologist Dr. Kevin Ryan, who graduated from Georgetown Medical School, discussed the frontiers of cancer research...More »
  • Alternative Health/ Education Failure

    In the first half of the show, Dr. Joel Wallach, discussed the human body's innate ability to heal itself through natural means and supplementation. In the latter half, international journalist and educator Alex Newman, addressed his work with veteran educator Samuel L....More »
  • Health Remedies/ Trial of Jesus

    In the first half, George Noory welcomed Dr. Joel Wallach, who discussed the human body's innate ability to heal itself through natural means and various minerals and supplements. In the latter half, professor, author and researcher, Ken Hanson talked about the archaeology...More »
  • Health News/ AI Advancements

    In the first half, biomedical research pioneer Dr. Joel Wallach spoke about the human body's innate ability to heal itself through natural means and supplementation. In the second half, author James Barrat talked about the quickly approaching time when we will share our...More »
  • Alternative Health / Prayer & Finance

    Trained not only in human health, but in animal health as well, Dr. Joel Wallach, in the first half of the show, discussed the human body's innate ability to heal itself through natural means such as healthy diet and nutrition supplements. After appearing on two episodes of...More »
  • EMP Dangers & Space Elevator

    History professor William R. Forstchen provided an update on his work studying the dangers of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) event, as well as his research into the benefits of developing a space elevator. In the first hour, Dr. Joel Wallach reacted to the recent study...More »

Last Night

Water Secrets / Consciousness & the Afterlife
Water Secrets / Consciousness & the Afterlife
Hydrogen water technology pioneer Paul Barattiero discussed the healing properties of hydrogen water. Followed by former TV anchor Hank Baughman who talked about his experiences with consciousness and the afterlife.


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