Dr. Barry Warmkessel

Dr. Barry Warmkessel


Dr. Barry Warmkessel received his BA in physics from Pomona College and a Ph.D. in physics from Arizona State University. He has been involved with the defense and aerospace industry for 31 years and he has professional experience in radar, communications, electro-optic, electronic warfare (both microwave and optical), and airborne reconnaissance. Dr. Warmkessel is very creative, approaching problems from new/diverse directions. He has a gift for envisioning simple or unusual schemes to solve problems considered to be technically almost impossible. His other interests are naval architecture, astrology, spiritual sciences as applied to the formation of sentient live forms, reverse engineering alien technologies, and astronomical causes and history of comet/Earth impacts.


Past Shows:

  • Vulcan & Earth Catastrophes

    Dr. Barry Warmkessel contends that our Sun has a dark-star companion which he referred to as 'Vulcan.' He characterized the hypothetical body as a brown dwarf only half the size of Jupiter and estimated its distance from Earth at 41 billion miles. While other theorists have...More »
  • Vulcan, Comets & Aliens

    Physicist Dr. Barry Warmkessel discussed alien technology, Noah's Ark, and a dark star called Vulcan. Warmkessel believes Vulcan is the companion star to our Sun, and periodically triggers comets from the Kuiper Belt to fall towards Earth.He said the perturbed comets form large...More »