Wayne Saalman

Wayne Saalman


Wayne Saalman is an American author (born in Ohio) who specializes in fictional thrillers. He is a novelist, poet, painter, and songwriter. He first published with New Falcon Publications in 1988 and again in 1990. His first novel was entitled The Dream Illuminati, and the follow up was entitled The Illuminati of Immortality. Both books carried extensive introductions by Robert Anton Wilson. The Dream Illuminati was updated, expanded, and republished in 2010. 

The author self-published a novel entitled Dragonfire Dreams in 2015. Crimson Firestorm Mars, published in 2019, is his fourth novel. All four novels are thrillers with themes of human transcendence woven into the plots. Saalman is a philosopher who has deeply studied the roots of humanity’s many global religions, as well as the numerous secret societies and metaphysical writings of the world’s mystics, yogis and wisdom masters.



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