David L. Weiner

David L. Weiner


David Weiner is the author of four psychology books, that include Battling the Inner Dummy: The Craziness of Apparently Normal People, Power Freaks: Dealing with Them in the Workplace or Anyplace, and Brain Tricks: Coping with Your Defective Brain. He serves on the external board of advisors for the Health Emotions Research Institute of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. The institute seeks to use state-of-the-art scientific methods developed for the study of illness to study the relationship between positive emotions and health.

Weiner was also instrumental in founding the Scientific Society for the Study of Psychopathy, which held its first symposium and conference in 2005 featuring the top academics worldwide in the field. On the business side of his career, he is the founder and CEO of Marketing Support, Inc.



Past Shows:

  • ETs & the Seres Agenda

    Author and researcher of hidden truths, R. Scott Lemriel, spoke about a billion-year old prototypical special human race, the Seres, who seeded all humanoids, and highly evolved space-faring races throughout the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies long ago. First hour guest,...More »
  • Psychology, Neuroscience & Positive Thinking

    Science writer David Weiner discussed neuroscience, psychology, and positive thinking, and also offered analysis of the psychopathic mind. Psychopaths, he explained, don't feel guilt or empathy-- biologically those circuits aren't there, and thus they can't be "fixed." He...More »