William Halal

William Halal


William E. Halal is Professor Emeritus of Management, Technology, and Innovation at George Washington University, Washington, D.C. An authority on emerging technology, strategic planning, knowledge, innovation, and institutional change, he has worked with General Motors, AT&T, SAIC, MCI, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, International Data Corporation, the DoD, the Asian Development Bank, foreign companies, and various government agencies. His work has appeared in journals such as Nature/BioTechnology, California Management Review, Strategy & Business, Knowledge Management Review, Academy of Management Executive, and more. He has also published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor, Toronto Globe & Mail, Advertising Age, Executive Excellence, and The Futurist.

Prof. Halal is the founder of TechCast, a web-based system that pools the knowledge of experts to forecast breakthroughs in technology, social trends, and wild cards to assist decision-makers in managing a changing world. Halal studied engineering, economics, and the social sciences at Purdue and Berkeley. Previously, he was a major in the U.S. Air Force, an aerospace engineer on the Apollo Program, and a Silicon Valley business manager. 



Past Shows:

  • Technology & Consciousness / Inner Guidance

    Futurist William E. Halal, PhD, discussed why a new age of consciousness is needed to survive the challenges ahead. Followed by teacher and coach, Zen Cryar DeBrucke who outlined how the Internal Guidance System works.More »