Carla Wills-Brandon

Carla Wills-Brandon


Carla Wills-Brandon, M.A., is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and the author of twelve published books discussing topics ranging from relationships, healthy intimacy, sexual healing, self esteem, sexual trauma, addiction and recovery to grief, death, afterlife research and spirituality. She has appeared on numerous television programs and has lectured across the United States and the United Kingdom.

She continues to work in private practice with her husband of over 30 years, Michael Brandon, Ph.D. Carla received her undergraduate degree in psychology at California State University Fresno, in Fresno, California. She then went on to receive a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology Fresno, in Fresno, California.



Past Shows:

  • Energy of Change / Pandemic Issues & the Afterlife

    Author Nick Begich spoke about the energy and impact of change on a personal and social level. Followed by therapist Carla Wills-Brandon on psychological problems from the pandemic, and afterlife experiences.More »
  • Diet & Metabolism/ Afterlife & Deathbed Visions

    Ann Louise Gittleman shared secrets for reviving a sluggish metabolism. Carla Wills-Brandon discussed evidence of contact with the afterlife through deathbed visions.More »
  • Gun Issues / Afterlife Contacts

    In the first half, research scientist John Lott commented on a variety of gun-related topics. Regarding recent reports that the Dept. of Homeland Security plans to stockpile ammunition, he noted that the government saves money when it buys in bulk. In the latter half,...More »
  • Deathbed Visions & Grief

    Licensed Marriage and Family therapist, Carla Wills-Brandon, discussed her work documenting and compiling evidence of contact with the afterlife through deathbed visions. Such visions of the dying typically include conversations and visitations from deceased loved ones or...More »