Donald K. Yeomans

Donald K. Yeomans


At NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena California, Donald K. Yeomans is a Senior Research Scientist, supervisor of the Solar System Dynamics Group, and manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office. He is currently the NASA Project Scientist for the Joint Japanese and U.S. mission to land upon, and return a sample from, a near-Earth asteroid (Hayabusa) and he is a scientific co-investigator on NASA's Deep Impact mission. Dr. Yeomans has written over 140 technical papers and four books on comets and asteroids. He has been awarded 15 significant achievement awards by NASA including an Exceptional Service Medal and a Space Act Award. To honor his work in planetary science, asteroid 2956 was renamed 2956 YEOMANS.


Past Shows:

  • Ancient Voyages

    During the middle two hours, archeologist and anthropologist Gunnar Thompson discussed the forbidden history of the world before Columbus.More »

Last Night

Kepler Mission Discoveries / Healing & Soul Frequencies
Kepler Mission Discoveries / Healing & Soul Frequencies
Prof. Jason Steffen spoke about his work on the Kepler space telescope mission. Followed by medical medium Kimberly Meredith on spirit communication, healing, and soul frequencies.


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