John Zaffis

John Zaffis


John Zaffis has over thirty years of experience studying and investigating the paranormal. He has had the opportunity to work for, and with, his aunt and uncle, Ed and Lorraine Warren. John has assisted and worked with well-known exorcists who include Bishop Robert McKenna, Malachi Martin and the Rev Jun. Through hands-on work with other investigators and clergy, he has obtained a great deal of knowledge and understanding of the paranormal and is considered one of the foremost authorities in the field today.

He has also worked extensively with both spiritualists and psychics concerning how their knowledge is used for channeling, reincarnation, or the calling of the spirits for information. John has been featured in Discovery Channel documentaries and has appeared on Unsolved Mysteries, Fox News Live, and many other print and news media events. John's first book, Shadows of the Dark, co-written with Brian McIntyre, was recently released and he is currently working on multiple follow-up books.



Past Shows:

  • Canine Health / Haunted Objects

    Founder of Planet Paws, Rodney Habib discussed the health of dogs, and his findings about the chronic diseases afflicting them. Followed by paranormal investigator and demonologist John Zaffis on haunted objects.More »
  • Haunted Objects/ Open Lines

    Authors and paranormal investigators Rosemary Ellen Guiley and John Zaffis discussed their newest work, Demon Haunted, which examines troubling cases of haunted land, people, and objects. Open Lines followed in the second half of the program.More »
  • Haunted Objects

    Paranormal experts Rosemary Ellen Guiley and John Zaffis shared stories from their new book, Haunted by the Things You Love, which deals with haunted objects such as creepy clown dolls and possessed mirrors. The last hour of the program featured Open Lines.More »
  • Demonology & Haunted Objects

    Paranormal investigator John Zaffis discussed his collection of haunted objects, as well as his work as a demonologist, and helping people deal with malicious entities or spirits. First hour guest, Director of the National UFO Reporting Center, Peter Davenport shared recent...More »
  • Astrology & Consumer Trends

    Marketing and research consultant Steven Mark Weiss discussed how he uses astrology to understand demographic and societal changes, as well as cultural phenomena like food trends. Last hour guest, paranormal investigator John Zaffis spoke about the "Witch Case."More »
  • Haunting in Connecticut

    Paranormal investigator & demonologist John Zaffis and his guest, Carmen Reed (third hour) told her story about living in a haunted former funeral parlor, and the disturbing details of what her family endured. First hour guest, Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence...More »
  • Demonic Forces & the Paranormal

    Demonologist John Zaffis and Exorcist Andrew Calder teamed up for a discussion on demonic possession and paranormal investigations.More »
  • Hauntings & Demons

    Appearing in the middle two hours, paranormal investigator John Zaffis shared cases of hauntings and demonic possession.More »
  • Exorcisms & Possession

    Paranormal researcher John Zaffis returned for a discussion about exorcisms. He has assisted and worked with well-known exorcists including Bishop Robert McKenna and the late Father Malachi Martin.More »
  • New England Poltergeist

    Paranormal investigator John Zaffis returned to the show, along with two witnesses, to discuss a significant poltergeist case that recently occurred to a New England family. A young girl going through puberty initially became the focus of unusual activity, with her heavy bed...More »
  • Exorcisms, Hauntings & Spirits

    Paranormal researcher and nephew of Ed and Lorraine Warren, John Zaffis, shared insights and experiences he has accumulated in his 30 years of dealing with hauntings, possessions, and exorcisms.One of the most dramatic cases, he said, was his investigation at a former funeral...More »

Last Night

Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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