Josiah Zayner

Josiah Zayner


Dr. Josiah Zayner is a global leader in the BioHacker movement, constantly pushing the boundaries of science outside traditional environments. He started BioHacking during his Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics at the University of Chicago, creating the Chromochord in his apartment, the world’s first musical instrument that uses engineered protein nanotechnology. After his Ph.D., Josiah received a prestigious fellowship to work with NASA's Synthetic Biology program, engineering bacteria to help terraform Mars.

Now he is the Founder and CEO of The ODIN. Josiah has a number of scientific publications and awards for his work in protein and genetic engineering and is also the recipient of art awards for creating speculative science works that have been featured in museums across the world, including NY MoMA PS1. His work has been featured in Time, Scientific American, Popular Science, Businessweek, The Verge and NPR, among many others. He enjoys whiskey and Red Bull, sometimes together.

Past Shows:

  • Biohacking

    Former NASA scientist Josiah Zayner spoke about DNA experiments he has performed on himself and his business selling home genetic experiment kits.More »

Last Night

Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food safety expert Jeff Nelken shed light on the growing concerns surrounding food recalls and safety protocols. Followed by novelist and researcher Stafford Betty on evidence for the afterlife.


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