Leading authority on UFOs, Timothy Good shared his research on pilot sightings, alien encounters and underground bases. One such account he presented was that of a 1993 case in which an Italian named Filiberto Caponi allegedly took 6 Polaroid...
In the first half, ufologist and paranormal pioneer Timothy Green Beckley talked about both vintage and recent UFO cases, as well as contact incidents with alien-type beings. His publishing company has been reintroducing 40-50 year-old UFO books to...
The UFO researcher known as the "Crypto Hunter," John Rhodes, joins discussed Reptilian humanoids and the secret underworld empire, which consists of alien cultures and lost civilizations. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.
Author Richard Sauder returned to discuss the latest evidence of underground bases and tunnels. During the first two segments he was joined by the Director of Astrosciences Research Network, Bill Hamilton, who became interested in underground bases...
Author Richard Sauder returned to share his latest research into underground and underwater bases.There are "scores" of underground bases in the US, most of them clandestine, and they vary in size, depth and sophistication, he reported. His...