AI & Frequency Medicine
AI & Frequency Medicine

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Dr. Luba Diangar discussed the Monicor device, which uses AI to create personalized frequency therapies for health improvement.

Mastering AI / Ghost Behaviors
Mastering AI / Ghost Behaviors

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Journalist Jeremy Kahn discussed the potential risks and benefits of AI. Followed by Cheryll Jones' interview with ghost-hunting guide Chris Bores.

The New Cognitive Divide: Are You a Symbiont or a Sovereign?
The New Cognitive Divide: Are You a Symbiont or a Sovereign?

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How AI may split our cognitive world.
— Psychology Today

AI Innovations & Information / Transmedium UFOs
AI Innovations & Information / Transmedium UFOs

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Scientist Brian Roemmele discussed information overload, the loss of data, and the different roles AI can play. Followed by filmmaker Darcy Weir on the enigmatic transmedium phenomenon around the island of Puerto Rico.

Digital Currency & AI / Voice Acting
Digital Currency & AI / Voice Acting

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Sean Worthington discussed Cloud Coin, his vision for a perfect money system, and the challenges faced in implementing it. Followed by Ed Weigle who talked about his prolific voice actor work and his experiences working with celebrities.