During the first two hours of Friday's show, Oliver Williams discussed the alleged time traveler John Titor, as well as fielded calls from listeners. According to Williams, John Titor traveled to our present from 2036, a time reeling from a nuclear...
John Titor II entered duty with the air force as an Airman in the U.S. Air Force at Dulce, New Mexico. He was specifically trained because of his abilities to become an officer and pilot. He received intensive training on the latest air frames and...
In the first hour, climate professor Randy Cerveny shared freak weather stories. During Open Lines, George offered a 'creepy places' hotline. In the final half-hour, George played his pre-taped interview with Larry Haber, attorney for the family of...
During the first hour, George spoke with the creator of johntitor.com, Oliver Williams, and Titor family attorney Larry Haber, who talked about the famous time traveler case.
Historian for alleged time traveler John Titor, Oliver Williams reviewed the facts of the remarkable case, and related some of Titor's past predictions to recent news stories. Titor's story has been pieced together from posts he made on Internet...