David Blume
David Blume


David Blume is the founder CEO and CTO of Blume Distillation LLC and is the Executive Director of The International Institute for Ecological Agriculture (IIEA). Blume is a globally renowned expert on regenerative agriculture and Biowaste-to-biofuel...

Alternative Fuel & EVs / Otherworldly Communications
Alternative Fuel & EVs / Otherworldly Communications

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Ecological biologist David Blume reported on biofuels and problems with electric vehicles. Followed by author and filmmaker Rich Martini on otherworldly communications.

Fukushima Special
Fukushima Special

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John B. Wells was joined by four experts, Arnie Gundersen, David Blume, Dr. John Apsley and Steven Starr, for a discussion on the seriousness and scope of the Fukushima situation.

Alternative Energy
Alternative Energy

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Alternative energy advocate David Blume shared updates on alcohol fuel and related topics during the second half of the show. First hour guest, author Marc Seifer, spoke about the life and work of Nikola Tesla, and astronomer Phil Plait commented on...

Gary David Graphics
Gary David Graphics

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Coast to Coast AM Radio