UFO researcher and author Nick Redfern talked about his work uncovering how the entire UFO research community has been monitored by U.S. Intelligence Agencies dating back to the 1940's. In the era before UFO investigators, the media covering flying...
Electronics expert & counter-surveillance specialist, Roger Tolces returned to discuss the increase in wiretapping and his work in assisting victims of electronic harassment. He commented that in the era of the Patriot Act and increased government...
Jeremy Cordon joined guest host Richard Syrett to discuss the ancient allure and enduring power of gold. Followed by Gabriel Custodiet, who spoke about the loss of societal freedoms and the rise of dystopia in the 20th century.
Lauren Weinstein, an expert in privacy issues and technology, presented an update on such topics as secret wiretapping, Echelon, and camera surveillance. Much of the government's current wiretapping efforts may not meet "probable cause," (which had...
"This is the biggest story in human history," said Retired Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean (beyondzebra.com), the main guest on Wednesday's program. He was referring to the extraterrestrial presence on this planet, which he first became aware...