Maurice Cotterell

Maurice Cotterell

About the show

Maurice Cotterell's background as a scientist, mathematician, and engineerhelped him to decipher the code of the ancient Maya, revealing the mysteryof their science and religion to an extent never before possible. Using thesame techniques, the author turns his attention here to deciphering thesecrets encoded within the tomb of Tutankhamun. His extensive researchrevealed that both the ancient Egyptians and the Maya possessed asophisticated understanding of sun spot activity and other astronomicalphenomena--facts recently confirmed by modern science.

Last Night

Near-Death Experience / Astrological Forecast
Near-Death Experience / Astrological Forecast
Author and director Sebastian Junger shared a compelling near-death experience that occurred after his pancreatic artery ruptured. Followed by astrologer Mark Lerner, who discussed upcoming astrological cycles and alignments.


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