Astral Travel

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Astral Travel

About the show

Australian-based mystic and metaphysical researcher, Robert Bruce, has actively explored astral projection, subtle realms, and the human spiritual connection for over 25 years. Robert is the author of the books, Astral Dynamics (A NEW approach to Out of Body Experience), and Practical Psychic Self-Defense (understanding and surviving unseen influences), and a coauthor of the book, Capturing The Aura. His World Wide Web site offers a large amount of original material, including many articles and tutorials relating to Robert's work and interests.

In the first hour, Dr. Randy Eaton, who has studied orca whales in the Pacific Northwest, gave an update on the beached pilot whales off Cape Cod.

Last Night

Rewriting Hominid History / Funerals & Technology
Rewriting Hominid History / Funerals & Technology
Researcher Michael Cremo discussed the complex history of human evolution and the coexistence of various hominid species. Followed by death educator Mandy Benoualid on her passion for honoring legacies and the evolving landscape of the funeral industry.


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