Ghostly Science

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Ghostly Science

About the show

“All science is really paranormal research,” in that it seeks to solve the unexplained, Joshua Warren said on his appearance on Coast on Monday night. As head of L.E.M.U.R., a paranormal investigative team, Warren offered many interesting case studies and theories that arise from his interesting line of work. Warren and his team bring a scientific approach to their investigations using a variety of testing equipment.

As to why so many unusual events and hauntings such as the Pink Lady occur around the Asheville, North Carolina area, he conjectured that the nearby Blue Ridge Mountains are heavy in quartz, which could be tied into paranormal effects. And after all, he pointed out with a touch of humor-- the word “evil” is contained in Asheville.

Warren believes that ghostly phenomena have a physical component. In fact he described a rare case where a ghost was sexually molesting a woman who said she had bruises in her groin area from the attacks. In another incident a person actually called 911 to report an intruder, as the entity was so fully realized. Warren also discussed his interest in other unusual physical phenomena in the area such as the extremely bright lights seen in the Brown Mountains which he suspects may be a type of energy plasma.


Last Night

Space Anomalies & Govt. Secrecy
Space Anomalies & Govt. Secrecy
Researcher Richard C. Hoagland addressed a variety of topics including a news blackout at the NORAD facility, Comet Hale-Bopp, government secrecy, and space shuttle anomalies.


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