REPLAY of Mel Waters from 01/29/02

Hosted byArt Bell


REPLAY of Mel Waters from 01/29/02

About the show

The saga of the "Bottomless Hole" continues. Mel is back!

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He could be anyone from Bill Gates to George W. Bush, absurdly even David Hasselhoff!-according to various Internet rumor mills. Tonight's guest, Kathleen Keating, an investigative journalist who writes from an "end times" Christian perspective, said she actually saw the Antichrist in her backyard in last appearance on Coast back in March of 2001: "There was this guy a charcoal Armani suit and a turtleneck with his long hair pulled back, uh, very good-looking guy, and I was like startled because there I was in my pajamas." She went on to describe how this figure seemed to vanish into thin air and intimated that this person was a popular spiritual teacher whose real motives hadn't been disclosed yet.

The great seer for the ages, Nostradamus wrote of three Antichrists, two of whom (Napoleon and Hitler) have already played out their dramas. In his mysterious quatrains, Nostradamus posited a blue turbaned leader from the East as the third Antichrist who comes under the guise of peace and then brings untold destruction.

Perhaps not surprisingly, portraiture of the Antichrist has changed over the ages. During the middle ages he was painted as a deceptively Christ-like figure while during the American Revolution many thought for certain England's King George was the evil one. Unfortunately if the Antichrist is a real figure we might not find out-until after the fact!
