REPLAY of Pam Reynolds from 12/06

Hosted byArt Bell

REPLAY of Pam Reynolds from 12/06

About the show

Pam Reynolds is a practicing musician, wife and mother of three and amember of a very prominent music publishing family. In 1991, she underwentone of the most fantastic surgical procedures ever performed. Dr. RobertF. Spetzler, Director of the Barrow Institute for Neurology in Phoenix,Arizona, and his team of daring surgeons clipped an aneuryism in her brainby a process known as "standstill." Her body was cooled to 58 degrees F,her heart stopped and most of the blood drained from her body. In short,Pam Reynolds was dead. While in this state, she encountered one of themost remarkable Near-Death-Experiences ever documented. Ten years later,hers remains the most scientifically documented case on record.

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