Stargates & Other Mysteries

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Stargates & Other Mysteries

About the show

"The human body could be the most powerful technology on Planet Earth-- We are talking about a tremendous spiritual and supernatural power that's embedded in each and everyone of us," said investigative mythologist and author William Henry in his Monday night appearance on Coast.

Countering Mike Heiser's remarks about Nibiru being the Pole Star, Henry said that this heavenly body referred to by the ancient Sumerians, may actually be a stargate rather than a star. Reinterpreting one of Zecharia Sitchin's findings, that the extraterrestrial Annunaki came here to mine gold, Henry said that the Sumerian word for gold may actually mean souls, and that the human body could have been designed as a vehicle to travel through a stargate.

"I predict military activity in the Yucatan probably around 2008," Henry said, believing that the US may take such action as a way for them to get their hands on ancient pyramids which could serve as a "blueprint or instruction manual," if the stargate or "serpent rope" was to return in 2012, as possibly foreseen by the end of the Mayan calendar. Henry doesn't see such an event in 2012 as an ending but rather as a "cosmogenesis" or rebirth.

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