The Lost Americas

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Lost Americas


  • Giant Skulls in the Americas
  • The Red-Haired Beings
  • About the show

    Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf appeared on Thursday night's show discussing evidence that has led him to believe there was a lost civilization in the Americas. Among his crypto-archeological findings is a large skull with red hair, which came from a group whose average size he estimates was 9 to 12 ft. tall. According to DNA tests that Ghost Wolf said he had sponsored, the skulls were "not entirely human." He reported there were strains that couldn't be calculated, and tantalizing indications that Dolphin DNA could have been overlaid with the human. Perhaps these beings were the legendary Viracocha of the Incans, Ghost Wolf conjectured.

    Listing Northern Colorado, the Four Corners area, Mexico, Bolivia and Peru as places that contained suppressed artifacts, Ghost Wolf said he's examined a variety of stone and metal tablets. Some of these, he said, forensic testing had dated back to 1800 BC, and perhaps far older. He also mentioned a metal ring that had ancient Numidian writing on it.

    Ghost Wolf believes we are in the midst of the end of the Mayan cycle or calendar. "We are now in the time of which all new things shall be birthed," he said. While he does foresee the coming of Nibiru within six months, and a "final conflict" in the Middle East, he said "we are now in the time of the ultimate initiation," where Lords of Light will be offering the planet an abundance of knowledge.

    Changing Tides

    Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf explores the lore of Nibiru and the Reptilians in an excerpt from his book Changing the Tides of Fear. Among his revelations:

    • Nibiru or Planet X is actually an artificial structure, used as a base by an Orion race of beings.
    • In our universe, there are over ten billion worlds that support life.
    • Reptilian beings cannot manifest into our reality structure, but they can enter as "hitchhikers" through human hosts.
    • Our reality membrane was damaged by time travel and interdimensional experiments, and now other consciousnesses previously unable to enter, can get in.
    • There was a pre-ice age civilization of enormous intelligence.
    • It is inevitable that we will once again encounter the beings of Nibiru.
    • Man's inhumanity to his own kind, is far worse than anything star beings would do to us.

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