Astral Travels

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Astral Travels


  • Adjusting to OBEs
  • The Astral Plane
  • Transformative Aspects
  • Verifying the Soul
  • OBE Techniques
  • About the show

    "I haven't gone further than the moon," said OBE expert Albert Taylor. Describing one of his most profound out-of-body experiences, he said "the old Al died," when he viewed an incredibly brilliant light that "burned away parts of me I no longer needed."

    "Going into the astral plane and expecting not to have an encounter with ghosts or something, is like going to the ocean and not seeing fish," he said. But there are a number of levels to the astral world. In a higher plane one might experience them self as a pinpoint of consciousness with a 360 degree view; in the lowest realm you might encounter unenlightened beings, Taylor explained.

    There are many techniques to achieve an OBE and experience what Taylor believes is the reality of the eternal soul. "Waking up to the soul is like returning to your natural state," he said. One technique that Taylor has had success with is interrupting his dream cycle by setting his alarm to wake him up in mid-sleep. Once fully awake, he puts himself in a highly relaxed state that is conducive to astral travel. Get your body in a comfortable position as you might be gone awhile, Taylor advised. (The longest he's been away from his body is three hours!)

    Training for OBE's

    Albert Taylor is no stranger to the world of out-of-body experiences (OBE). To the average person though, this kind of travel seems out of reach. But according to the slender tome, Have an Out-Of-Body Experience in 30 Days, the belief that only mystical and spiritually advanced people can have OBE's, is not accurate. In fact, writes authors Harary and Weintraub, "nothing could be further from the truth. Virtually anyone can have an OBE." Accordingly, they have a designed a four week "free flight program," that first tunes you into your five senses and the ability to achieve "alert relaxation." Jumping ahead to Day 8's exercise "Rising Above It," one begins to learn how to imagine the mind and body in two separate places. The use of imagination and visualization is key to their training: "Imagine floating above yourself for several minutes without straining…imagine your disembodied face looking back at your physical face."

    The next day's exercise suggests focusing your attention on a specific location in the room: "Now imagine that you're a point of consciousness…and you're looking back at your body from this new and more remote perspective." All of this hard work has paid off by Day 24, when you receive instruction for "Orgasmic Flights," which can be done with a partner or alone.

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