Out of the Portal

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Out of the Portal


  • Experiments with Water
  • Visitor from a Dying Planet
  • About the show

    Callers came from across time, space and dimensions on Friday night, when George opened a special topic line for people who entered our world via a portal. One such caller said he hailed from a world in the Orion Belt, where his race existed as non-solid entities akin to steam. He said they traveled to Earth after their planet was destroyed. Another portal traveler claimed to be an historian from the 28th century on an alternate reality Earth that resembled Star Trek's vision of the future.

    George discussed rodent-like shadow creatures he has recently seen darting across the road, and a number of callers confirmed seeing similar entities. Meanwhile Bob from San Francisco, told an intriguing tale of hearing a voice in his head saying "don't look up," but when he did, he saw a bright lens shaped object that flew over the Bay. "I'm being tested," said a caller from Northern Wisconsin, who went on to describe a paranormal double whammy. First he said was hit by a 2 x 4 thrown by a ghost in a haunted barn, and then he discovered a crashed disc in a swamp.

    Water Experiments

    Seminar leader Valerie Lis spoke about Dr. Masaru Emoto’s unusual experiments with water during the first hour of Friday night's show. She explained that Emoto exposed samples of water to different stimuli and then photographed them under a microscope. "It appears that water is very malleable and changes depending on what it's exposed to," said Lis.

    For instance, when the water was exposed to a Mozart symphony, it formed into a pleasing crystalline shape, but after heavy metal music, the pattern appeared as a splat. Lis said that Emoto's experiments also demonstrated that prayer could affect water. She closed her appearance by inviting listeners to join her in a prayer, sending their love, thanks and light to the world's water supply.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Death of Elvis / Channeling Higher Wisdom
    Death of Elvis / Channeling Higher Wisdom
    Historian Steve Ubaney discussed his theories surrounding the death of Elvis Presley, suggesting a massive cover-up and foul play. Followed by spirit communicator Karen A. Dahlman, who spoke about channeling and Ouija boards.


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