Gulf War II Mystery Illness

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Gulf War II Mystery Illness


  • Strange Death of a Soldier
  • About the show

    Gulf War Vet advocate Joyce Riley appeared in the first half of Friday's show to discuss the mysterious illness affecting the troops in Iraq. She related details in the case of Josh Neusche, a 20-year soldier who died on July 12, 2003 after going on a "hauling" mission at the Baghdad Airport.

    At first, Riley said that Neusche's parents were told their son had been affected by a toxin, then the explanation was changed to pneumonia. Now with over 50 soldiers falling ill, the Anthrax vaccine is being called the culprit. Riley believes we are not being told the true story, and speculated that the soldiers may have been wearing defective protective suits during a chemical exposure. However, "I think the story is going to be whitewashed and removed from the scene," she said.

    Friday Open Lines

    The Almost Died Hotline was open on Friday night, and a number of callers related their close brushes with death, including a man who siphoned gasoline using his mouth and a caller who took medicine that burned a hole in his stomach.

    Other calls included Gloria from Fort Lauderdale who described her encounter with a Mothman-like entity that hovered off the deck of a ship. Another caller related being shown an alleged artifact from the Roswell spacecraft. It was a lightweight silvery piece of metal he said, but when it dropped from his hand, it clipped a ridge into the concrete floor.

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