Strange Universe

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Strange Universe


  • New Cosmology Findings
  • Stan Gordon Kecksburg Interview
  • About the show

    "2003 is turning out to be a pivotal year for cosmologists," said investigator Linda Moulton Howe, who appeared during the first half of Friday's show. Reporting on data from NASA's microwave probe (WMAP), Linda said that only a small percentage of the universe is composed of matter such as stars, and the rest is made up of "dark energy" and "dark matter, " which could be thought of as transparent.

    Of visible matter, she said there is a "long green curved wall" that is composed of 252 million light years of galaxies clustered one after another, that curiously appear to be "herded" together by the dark matter. Could our universe, based on the WMAP information, be "akin to a clear Jell-O in which what we consider to be matter (worlds and stars) is simply embedded in this large transparent Jell-O?" she pondered. For more on this topic read Linda's report on

    Linda, who also played a tape of Stan Gordon discussing evidence in the Kecksburg UFO case, will next be seen speaking at the UFO Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas in November.

    Special Abilities

    The lines were wide open during the second half of Friday's show, though one topic line was reserved for people with special abilities. Those with unique skill sets included a "psychic empath," a man who could impose his will on inanimate objects, and a teen who could hear cell phone conversations in his head.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Hidden News / Haunted Toys
    Hidden News / Haunted Toys
    Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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