Sumerian Science & the Annunaki

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Sumerian Science & the Annunaki


  • The Winged Disc
  • Assyrian Symbols & Android Beings
  • About the show

    Researcher Jason Martell discussed ancient Sumerian science and culture, which he believes was extremely advanced and influential. For instance, the Sumerians were aware of the esoteric 25,000 year astronomical cycle called precession, as well as being the first to divide the sky into the 12 sections known as the zodiac, he said.

    Echoing the work of Zecharia Sitchin, Martell spoke of the Annunaki, an ET race who interacted and interbred with the Sumerians. Going further back, 300,000 years ago, he outlined how they took a pre-hominid female or "ape woman" and mixed in 80% of their genes, to create a slave race that conducted mining operations. A second creation that occurred in the time of the Sumerians was called Adam, he noted.

    While the Sumerians were Middle Eastern in appearance, Martell described the Annunaki as taller beings with paler skin. Interestingly, he speculated that the spindly ET beings with large heads, known as the Greys, could be another genetic creation of the Annunaki. From Jason Martell's Ancient X site, this image depicts the rock at Behistun, western Iran, which contained inscriptions that led to the decipherment of cuneiform.

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    Last Night

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