Hidden History of Christmas

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Hidden History of Christmas


  • Christmas' Ancient Heritage
  • Refuting Mushroom Hypothesis
  • Star of Bethlehem
  • Mary Magdalene & Christ's Bloodline
  • Resurrection
  • About the show

    Author Glenn Kimball shared his research into the mysteries of Christmas, as the main guest on Thursday. "We have inherited the Christmas we celebrate from an amalgam of sources," he said, noting that some traditions associated with the holiday date back to 2300 BC, and that the date of December 25th was first celebrated in honor of the ancient King Nimrod's birthday.

    Christ was actually born in 6 BC in early April, Kimball said, and the Star of Bethlehem seen in the sky at that time was a "merger of Jupiter and Saturn," that was so bright it could still be observed at noon. Interestingly, he noted that Christ was married and had children with Mary Magdalene, and later he resurfaced around the time of 530 AD, at King Arthur's Court.

    Kimball, who said he is working on a new book called "Words of Jesus," refuted the idea of recent C2C guest James Arthur who contended that Christ was actually a metaphor for magic mushrooms. Beyond the Bible, there are "tens of thousands of documents," that refer to Jesus and his life, making it impossible that he was a made-up figure, Kimball argued.

    9/11 Report

    Thursday's first hour guest, former Congressman Bob Barr commented on a panel's upcoming report on the 9/11 attack. Barr questioned how credible or comprehensive the report is going to be, and said "any administration is adept at protecting information that it doesn't want to get out." He also noted that all the same people are in charge as before the 9/11 attack, and those that made mistakes have not been held accountable.

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