Intuiting 2004

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Intuiting 2004


  • Manufactured Devices on Mars
  • Terrorist Concerns
  • About the show

    Joseph Jacobs, an internationally known psychic, returned to the show as Thursday's main guest, offering his insights and predictions for 2004. The new year should be slower and more mellow than 2003 for most of us, he said. However, the time frame of January 23rd to Feb. 5th is a risky one for the US, he mentioned, citing the dates of January 29th and February 1st as particularly dangerous for possible acts of terrorism, although the attack may not be in a major city. He also noted the time period of Feb. 13th through July 18th, as a time when California might have a serious problem such as an earthquake.

    Jacobs discussed his card system which he uses in his psychic readings. Each day of the year is represented by one of the cards (from a standard playing deck), in a method that was said to come down from the mystical Order of the Magi, he said.

    George said that he'd finally sold in his home in St. Louis after it was on the market for 11 months, and Jacobs commented that this may have been because he wasn't ready to "release" the house until now that he was finally ready to let it go.

    Metal Objects

    First hour guest Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission offered his analysis of a photo taken at the landing site of the Spirit Rover. He believes there is visual evidence, as shown on this page, that some of the "rocks" are actually the remains of metallic, manufactured objects which have been battered by the forces of ancient floods.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Professional magician Chris Ramsay spoke about paranormal phenomena, particularly remote viewing and out-of-body experiences. Followed by Eric Oram, a Wing Chun Kung Fu master, who explained this style of martial arts.


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