Spirituality & Psychic Intuition

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Spirituality & Psychic Intuition


  • Predictions & Intutions
  • Concept of the Mother God
  • About the show

    "I think Osama is dead and we'll find out before Spring," said legendary psychic, Sylvia Browne, who returned to the program to share her intuitions and discuss her new book. In the next two years she sees the economy taking a nosedive, but after that it will "resurrect" itself, she said. She also expressed concern that tsunamis could hit the East Coast, affecting an area as far up as New York and Connecticut.

    Browne talked about her new book Mother God in which she has put together research and accounts detailing the concept of the female divinity. The female principle of God acts as an "interceptor, miracle worker, and activator," and can be approached with problems. In fact, Mother God has "her own band of angels," she said.

    "I actually wanted to be a nun," said Browne, who believes her spiritual work takes precedence over her psychic gifts. Demonstrating her psychic intuition, Browne told George that his spirit guide is named Matthew and was alive during Biblical times. She went on to list some of George's past lives-- one of which went back to Lemuria. He had also been a gladiator, a high priest, and a doctor who traveled in a horse and buggy, she noted.

    George & Fiends

    Art A. has whipped up a drawing he's titled George and Fiends. "This one's going out to the Georgemister and all the ghouls who make this show possible!" he writes. Click here to view the enlargement.

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