Trucker Hotline

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Trucker Hotline


  • Exorcism Recording
  • Alien Implant Self Removal
  • About the show

    During Friday's Open Lines truckers were invited to call in and relate unusual occurrences. Among the callers, was a trucker who heard a strange creature hissing at him from a tree. Another trucker related seeing an odd mist that contained an Indian on a horse, but that the image dissipated when he shined a flashlight on it.

    A couple of callers shared their psychic visions, including a man who said he had a premonition dream of 9-11, and also saw "bloody Euro coins" raining from the sky. Kimberly, who claimed to have 99% accuracy in her psychic perceptions, said she had been have disturbing dreams about airports, and singled out Dulles Airport as a possible terrorist target.

    George also played an excerpt from a tape of an actual exorcism sent in by Shirley of Phoenix, who was attempting to have demons removed from her. One can hear her make animalistic shrieks, as the exorcist recites exhortations for the spirits to leave.

    Ice Age Update

    First hour guest Robert Felix discussed his theory of a coming ice age, which despite recent media reports, he does not believe is due to global warming. Rather, he said, climate changes are being instigated by underwater volcanoes which can alter water temperature. Felix said a submarine officer told him of observing activity at the ocean depths that seemed to confirm his thesis. He also pointed to the significance of stronger El Nino weather cycles, and said that the one in 2008-2009 could be "the one that will kick us over the edge."

    Bumper Music