Suppressing the Paranormal

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Suppressing the Paranormal


  • Secret Societies & the Paranormal
  • ESP Research Subjects
  • About the show

    Investigator Jon Rappoport said that in his research into the science of the paranormal, he discovered that powerful secret societies want a "monopoly on the paranormal," and have an agenda to suppress abilities such as ESP and telepathy, amongst the masses, so they will be easier to control.

    Secret societies, he said, use "ritual" to invoke the paranormal, and may have dark ceremonies and sacrifices that "bind" their membership into a secret pact. In these rituals, members can enter into trance-like states where they believe they are communicating with a powerful force, he explained.

    Going beyond the typical scientific prejudice against legitimate paranormal research done at universities, Rappoport said the secret societies foster their agenda of quashing paranormal abilities, by associating these skills with mental illness. He said that many gifted people, often as youngsters, are place on psychiatric drugs or sometimes institutionalized, which acts to dampen their unique abilities, usually permanently.

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    Last Night

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    Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
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